To purchase a copy

Title: High Up in the Rolling Hills
Author: Peter Finch

Category: Biography, memoir, manifesto, sustainable living
Format: Trade paperback, hardcover, ebook
Publication Date: April, 2013
Pages: 204
Recommended Price: $17.95 softcover, $27.95 hardcover, $9.95 pdf
Trim: 8.5 x 5.5 inches
Available from: iUniverse; Amazon in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Brazil; Barnes & Noble; Borders; Chapters Indigo in Canada
First Print Run: On demand (with iUniverse on-demand capabilities, there is never an out-of-stock situation)

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Book Signing in Toronto

I will be signing my book, High Up in the Rolling Hills, at the organic consumer conference in Toronto on Saturday, February 22. The book is for sale @ $15 on this day only (30% discount off retail). This year’s conference organized by the Toronto chapter of Canadian Organic Growers is called The Organic Vision - in Search of Change and takes place at the University of Toronto Conference Centre89 Chestnut St, Toronto from 9am to 5pm. It features 20 speakers, including keynote speaker Woody Tasch of Slow Money, an organic lunch, and many exhibits, including my own!

The sixth annual one-day conference is for everyone with an interest in healthy food that nourishes people and the environment. The show is always inspiring and informative. Hope to see you there!