To purchase a copy

Title: High Up in the Rolling Hills
Author: Peter Finch

Category: Biography, memoir, manifesto, sustainable living
Format: Trade paperback, hardcover, ebook
Publication Date: April, 2013
Pages: 204
Recommended Price: $17.95 softcover, $27.95 hardcover, $9.95 pdf
Trim: 8.5 x 5.5 inches
Available from: iUniverse; Amazon in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Brazil; Barnes & Noble; Borders; Chapters Indigo in Canada
First Print Run: On demand (with iUniverse on-demand capabilities, there is never an out-of-stock situation)

Monday, 6 January 2014

Brady, the frog

Brady & a frog

I woke up this morning from a vivid dream:

Gundi and I wanted to take our grandson Brady for a walk. We left the house, which was like our home on Fallsview in Dundas and went outside, which was like the waterfront at Port Alberni. As Brady was walking ahead of us, he suddenly turned into a frog. We couldn’t believe it. Before we knew it, he hopped off and disappeared. As we were scratching our heads, wondering what to do, Andrea, Brady’s mother, came out and said: “We’ve been looking out of the window and we’re worried about Brady. Where is he?”
“You won’t believe it, but he turned into a frog!”, I blurted.

We finally found a smaller frog, and wondered if this was Brady. We weren’t sure. We coaxed him back to the house. As he hopped up the step, we asked hopefully: “You ARE Brady, aren’t you?”, at which point Brady re-appeared, disappointed to be called back from play so soon. “You shouldn’t have called my name”, he said. Les, Brady’s Dad, came out and asked what was going on. “You won’t believe it, but…”

The morals of the story are: Kids will be kids, or frogs. But all is well that ends well.

I hope Andrea is not still mad at us.