To purchase a copy

Title: High Up in the Rolling Hills
Author: Peter Finch

Category: Biography, memoir, manifesto, sustainable living
Format: Trade paperback, hardcover, ebook
Publication Date: April, 2013
Pages: 204
Recommended Price: $17.95 softcover, $27.95 hardcover, $9.95 pdf
Trim: 8.5 x 5.5 inches
Available from: iUniverse; Amazon in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Brazil; Barnes & Noble; Borders; Chapters Indigo in Canada
First Print Run: On demand (with iUniverse on-demand capabilities, there is never an out-of-stock situation)

Thursday, 28 November 2013

4-Star Review on Amazon

4.0 out of 5 stars Learning from the landNov. 3 2013
Here self-transformation is driven by a steady stream of incremental adjustments. This book is a spiritual journey. The author finds a path from urban living to small-farm commercial organic farming, predominantly leafy greens, garlic and vegetables. No Hollywood grand events but a steady, though bumpy, convergence of self-awareness, relationship growth, health and nutrition, and gardening and farming. Each facet develops along the way, informed by trial and error and insights from the other facets, converging into an holistic practice respectful of self, community and nature. The book itself develops a cyclic, almost poetic structure as the seasons of the land shape the author. I particularly enjoyed the reflective post-harvest canoe trips in the autumnal Canadian Shield.

The book is philosophical without philosophy - biography as lived philosophy, rather than philosophical lecturing. Here, respect for the processes of nature is not so much a moral obligation as something learned through experience as a means to more profound spiritual enrichment. An enjoyable and enlightening read.