To purchase a copy

Title: High Up in the Rolling Hills
Author: Peter Finch

Category: Biography, memoir, manifesto, sustainable living
Format: Trade paperback, hardcover, ebook
Publication Date: April, 2013
Pages: 204
Recommended Price: $17.95 softcover, $27.95 hardcover, $9.95 pdf
Trim: 8.5 x 5.5 inches
Available from: iUniverse; Amazon in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Brazil; Barnes & Noble; Borders; Chapters Indigo in Canada
First Print Run: On demand (with iUniverse on-demand capabilities, there is never an out-of-stock situation)

Monday, 28 April 2014

On Blog Tour to May 9

High Up in the Rolling Hills

High Up in the Rolling Hills book blitz April 28 – May 9!

Publicity Tour Schedule

Friday, 18 April 2014

Fantasy & little yellow butterflies

The passing of Gabriel Garcia Marquez has drawn me to seek out my treasured copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude, now yellowed with age. We too have aged, by some 33 years, a third of a century.

My copy is treasured because it is well travelled, fully seasoned and mailed to me by Gundi shortly after we had met on the train in Lake Louise. It found me on assignment in the Libyan desert amongst a cascade of some thirty missives from Gundi that could safely be called love letters. So many letters arrived all together, having been misdirected and lost in transit for several weeks. (I had thought she had forgotten me).

Gundi’s inscription on the front pages reads:  “Peter, this book goes out to you filled with fantasy and little yellow butterflies, enjoy it and remember…” I hadn’t realized the words that followed in the scrawl… until today, that is, when Gundi pointed them out to me.  Fitting, heart-warming words to celebrate our life together, and the life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who dared us to fantasize and charmed us with magic, wonder, and little yellow butterflies. 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

5-star review on

5.0 out of 5 stars Charming and originalMarch 6, 2014
This review is from: High Up in the Rolling Hills: A Living on the Land (Paperback)
Finch, an Oxford trained linguist and cartographer turned organic farmer, writes with wit and wisdom of a life spent in pursuit of good health, good food and an authentic livelihood. His personal story is well worth reading.